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KeyAna Washington, MScOT, BS Ed

Meet KeyAna Washington, MScOT, BS Ed; the May featured Science Sista of the month! KeyAna was born and raised in Lexington, Kentucky, where she received her BSc in Education - Kinesiology in 2019. She attended Brunel University London, where she recently graduated this past spring with an MSc in Occupational Therapy. While at Brunel, KeyAna wrote and recorded lectures under supervision for Brunel University’s OT program as a project assistant. After graduation, she remained in London, where she is a practicing Occupational Therapist working in a forensic mental health setting; in a men’s medium secure rehabilitation ward.

KeyAna is currently training to become a mentor to high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds in London, that are interested in Allied Healthcare Professions. In her free time, she enjoys watching basketball games.



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